Copyright: Disc Music Box Project.
All rights reserved
Information and pictures that you input into ROMFI are a huge assistance for us. Our aim is to document each make and model, as well as capture information an as many surviving example as possible, and ROMFI's structure as a repository is ideal for this. It is like a huge structured filing cabinet. An added benefit is that the data can be updated, and will always be available online. ROMFI can also store data that a book cannot, such as all surviving examples of a partictlar model. This could be over 100 inputs, each with details, serial number and photo. This will not only help the project, but help collectors, museums, restorers etc, long into the future.
Thus essentially all machines, or surviving parts thereof can be inputted. In this way we will make a census of all surviving disc music boxes. The benefit of ROMFI is that even when the book is published, interest generated by the book may lead to further machines being inputted and lists of surviving machines can be continually updated on our DMB Project website
To use ROMFI – which by the way is free for normal use – you need to create yourself a user name and a password. We have had an account for many years on ROMFI and it is a very useful system.
Once you have your login details, you can post items from your collection onto the site.
ROMFI has 2 levels of posting
A third level of functionality is that while inputting disc music boxes you own, you create a personal overview of your own collection.
Within a few minutes one gets the hang of the ROMFI logic, and the system becomes very easy and convenient to use. The handbook on the ROMFI site is very comprehensive.